Legal subjectivity:
The crime of counterfeiting trademarks may be subject to probation. The crime itself is a non-violent crime. If the court finds after review that the criminal has sincerely confessed and repented and will not violate the criminal law again, then it is no problem to apply probation in this case. The law is objective:
Article 67 of the "Trademark Law" If the use of a trademark identical to the registered trademark on the same kind of goods without the permission of the trademark registrant constitutes a crime, in addition to compensating the losses of the infringed party In addition, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law. If a person forges or manufactures other people's registered trademarks without authorization or sells forged or unauthorized registered trademarks, which constitutes a crime, in addition to compensating the losses of the infringed party, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law. Anyone who knowingly sells goods that are counterfeit registered trademarks constitutes a crime. In addition to compensating the losses of the infringed party, he will also be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law.