The differences between English and Chinese are reflected in translation as follows:
1. Sentence pattern.
English has many long sentences, while Chinese has many short sentences. In English-Chinese translation, as long as it conforms to the syntactic structure of English, many meanings can be expressed in long sentences, and many modifiers can also be connected with clear grammatical means. Therefore, long sentences are more common in English.
Chinese is just the opposite. "Meeting together" is the main feature of Chinese. The semantic meaning of Chinese is directly expressed by words, and different phrases or short sentences express different meanings. Therefore, in the process of translating from Chinese to English, it is necessary to find out the semantic relationships between multiple short sentences and use a variety of grammatical methods to form compound sentences. When translating from English to Chinese, the translator should simplify long sentences into simple sentences and translate long sentences into multiple short sentences.
2. Syntax.
One of the main differences in syntactic features between English and Chinese is that Chinese focuses on meaning combination, while English focuses on form combination. "Imagination" means that each component in a sentence is connected through a language form to express its grammatical meaning and logical relationship. "Form combination" refers to the grammatical meaning and logic of the sentence without resorting to any language means to express the meaning of the word, phrase and clause itself.
When translating from English to Chinese, the grammatical and logical meaning relationships between the components of the sentence must be considered, supplemented by prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, etc., while when translating from Chinese to English, the coherence and meaning can not be affected. These words are omitted for expression purposes.