The reason why this brand has Wong Lo Kat is due to trademark authorization, cooperative promotion, and manufacturer or supplier issues.
1. Trademark authorization: Wanglaoji is a famous trademark with wide popularity and brand value. Jinjirun has obtained the authorization of the Wanglaoji brand and can use the Wanglaoji trademark on its products for promotion and sales. .
2. Cooperative promotion: Jinjirun cooperates with the Wanglaoji brand to promote the product. By using the Wonglaoji trademark on the product, it can increase the visibility and sales of the product. This cooperation method can expand the influence of both brands and Boost sales.
3. Problems with manufacturers or suppliers: Jinjirun purchases products containing the Wong Lo Kat trademark from other manufacturers or suppliers, so it is normal for the Wong Lo Kat trademark to appear on the products. The manufacturer or supplier will use the original trademark logo during the production process, but now Jirun is only responsible for sales.