When he was 13 years old, Wang Daan began to use his free time after school and holidays to grow green onions and wild rice. After harvesting, he picked the crops and sold them in the town. At the same time, he also bought used books everywhere and sold them to his father at market prices to make firecrackers. All the money earned is at Wang Daan's discretion. At that time, Wang Daan had endless pocket money. Buying books and clothes is all earned by myself, making the friends around me envious.
When he was 16 years old, Wang Daan simply went to work in his father’s firecracker factory. The father, who was interested in training and nurturing his son, did not give Wang Daan any special treatment. As ordinary members of the factory, Wang Daan and other workers enjoy equal pay for equal work. This lasted four years.
The young Wang Daan hardly ever had a sunny day where he acted coquettishly and had a bad temper. However, his unique training and experience in working and doing business became the "original capital" for him to enter the business world and achieve great success.
When he was 20 years old, Wang Daan, who always felt that it was unsafe to run a firecracker factory and did not make much money, persuaded his father to close the firecracker factory. After the firecracker factory shut down, Wang Daan, who could not spare a moment, planned to do business. At that time, a kind of trademark called self-adhesive was very popular, and almost all products were affixed with this kind of trademark. Wenzhou people, who have a particularly keen sense of business opportunities, have taken a liking to this humble but lucrative commodity. Many people in Pingyang and Cangnan are making self-adhesive trademarks. Some are engaged in design and printing, and some travel to other places to engage in sales. Wang Daan's cousin specializes in the business of selling self-adhesive trademarks and travels all over the world. Wang Daan begged his cousin to take him with him, but his cousin was happy and immediately accepted the apprentice.
On his first trip out, Wang Daan followed his cousin to a meat factory in Bengbu, Anhui. My cousin, who is very familiar with the business, talked about the products very well and the business went very smoothly. Wang Daan, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, told his cousin that it is not difficult to sell this product. As long as you can introduce this product, be more diligent, travel more, and talk more, you will definitely be able to make business. Therefore, after only following his cousin once, Wang Daan decided to go out alone.
It is naturally difficult to go out for a run alone for the first time. The main reason is that I am unfamiliar with the place and don’t know where to find users. Therefore, whenever he went to a place, he would first visit the shopping mall and write down which local products needed trademarks, where the factory was, and what the phone number was. Then he would go from factory to factory, taking the trouble to introduce the benefits of his products. Moreover, while others sold it for 6 cents each, he only sold it for 5 cents. After getting the order, he rushed back to Pingyang to find a factory to print it. In just a few months, Wang Daan traveled to Anhui, Shandong, Gansu and other places.
A few orders were received, but after paying the printing fees and management fees of affiliated units, Wang Daan himself had very little left. So, he decided to set up his own factory. To set up a factory, you first need funds. At that time, Wang Daan's savings were only more than 2,000 yuan, which was not enough to buy equipment and raw materials, so he borrowed 3,000 yuan from a friend. In this way, he set up his own factory - Wenzhou Pingyang Shuitou Huihuang Craft Factory. However, there are only three total employees: Wang Daan, who is both the factory director, operator and salesperson; his wife, who is also in charge of finance and operator; and one is Wang's cousin. At that time, such family workshops were quite common in Wenzhou.