Hello, as for how to apply for a trademark company, there are two ways for a company to apply for a trademark. One is to apply at the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce or its 16 national agency offices. The other is to apply for a trademark. To apply through an agency, the fee for the first type is RMB 600, and for the other type, part of the service fee is paid on the basis of RMB 600. The total price generally does not exceed RMB 2,021. According to the poster’s question, it is obvious that the poster is not very clear about this. If you submit it to the Trademark Office by yourself, you will encounter process problems and problems in judging the similarity of trademarks. Therefore, it is recommended to find an agency to handle it, which saves time and effort. . The inquiry work before application can be completed by a relatively strong and experienced agency. Conduct inquiry before registration to avoid the embarrassment of company and product operations finding that the trademark cannot be applied for a period of time. Here is a short video detailing the trademark registration process and trademark similarity search. Complaints about a trademark - the whole process of trademark registration video produced by Zhongxiruan