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Markup language for web page code

The following mainly describes some simple uses of HTML code: ...Normal scroll


...Default scroll

...Scroll back and forth

... Scroll down

...Scroll up

Right Scroll

Scroll to the left

...Scroll times


...Set width

...Set height

...Set the background color

...Set the scroll distance

...Set scroll time


Title word (maximum)

Title Font (smallest)

...Bold font

...Bold font (emphasis)


...italics (emphasis)

.. .Italics (indicates definition)


...Underline (indicates insertion Text)

...Horizontal line


...Strikethrough (indicates deletion)

...Keyboard text

... Hit Font

...Fixed-width font (valid for blank, newline, and positioning functions in the file)

...</plaintext> Fixed-width font (does not implement markup symbols)</p><p><listing>...</listing> Fixed-width small font</p><p></p><p><font color=00ff00>...</font>Font color</p><p><font size=1>...</font>Minimum font</p><p ><font style ='font-size:100 px'>...</font>Unlimited increase</p><p><FONT FACE> Arbitrarily specify the font used</p><p><BASEFONT SIZE > Change default font size</p><p><BIG> Show large fonts</p><p><BLINK> Flash text</p><p><BR> Line wrap<hr>Horizontal line</p ><p><hr size='9'>Horizontal line (set size)</p><p><hr width='80%'>Horizontal line (set width)</p><p><hr color ='ff0000'>Horizontal line (set color)</p><p><br>(line wrap)</p><p><nobr>...</nobr>Water area (no line wrap)</p> <p><p>...</p>Waters (paragraph)</p><p><center>...</center>Centered <base href=address> (default link path)< /p><p><a href=Address></a>External link</p><p><a href=Address target='_blank'></a>External link (open a new window)</ p><p><a href=address target='_top'></a>External link (full window link)</p><p><a href=address target='frame name'></a >External link (link in the specified page frame)</p><p><A HREF TARGET> Specify the split window of the hyperlink</p><p><A HREF=#name of anchor> Specify the hyperlink of the anchor name </p><p><A HREF>Specify hyperlink</p><p><A NAME=name of anchor>The name of the connected point</p><p><ADDRESS>....</ ADDRESS> Used to display email address <img src=image address>texture</p><p><img src=image address width='180'>Set image width</p><p><img src= Image address height='30'>Set image height</p><p><img src=Image address alt='Prompt text'>Set image prompt text</p><p><img src=Image address ' border='1'>Set picture border</p><p><bgsound src=MID music file address>Background music setting<table align=left>...</table>Table position, left< /p><p><table align=center>...</table>Table position, centered</p><p><table background=image path>...</table>Background image URL= It is the path URL</p><p><table border=border size>...</table>Set the table border size (use numbers)</p><</p><p>p><table bgcolor=color code>...</table>Set the background color of the table</p><p><table borderclor=color code>...</table>Set the color of the table border< /p><p><table borderclordark=color code>...</table>Set the color of the dark border of the table</p><p><table borderclorlight=color code>...</table>Settings The color of the bright border of the table</p><p><table cellpadding=parameter>...</table>Specifies the spacing between the content and the grid lines (using numbers)</p><p><table cellspacing= Parameters>...</table>Specify the distance between grid lines (using numbers)</p><p><table cols=Parameters>...</table>Specify the number of columns in the table </p><p><table frame=parameter>...</table>Set the display method of the table frame line</p><p><table width=width>...</table>Specify The width of the table (using numbers)</p><p><table height=height>...</table>Specify the height of the table (using numbers)</p><p><td colspan=parameter> ...</td>Specify the number of columns in the cell merge column (using numbers)</p><p><td rowspan=parameter>...</td>Specify the number of columns in the cell merge column (use numbers) )</p><p><CAPTION>...</CAPTION> Add a title to the table</p><p><TABLE BORDER=n> Adjust the width line height of the table</p><p>< TABLE CELLPADDING> Adjust the boundary of the data field</p><p><TABLE CELLSPACING> Adjust the width of the table line <iframevspace=0hspace=0scrolling=noframeborder=0id=clipname=clipwidth=600height=322src=/clip?b=507&hd_h_info =1&p_name=%E5%88%9B%E7%BB%B4%E4%B8%93%E6%B3%A8%E5%81%A5%E5%BA%B7%E7%A7%91%E6%8A% 80&hd_border=1&hd_h=1&hd_meshline=1&col=2&hd_searches=1&line=20></iframe><TABLE HEIGHT> Adjust the height of the table</p><p><TABLE WIDTH> Adjust the width of the table</p><p><TABLE >...</TABLE> Generate table labels</p><p><TD ALIGN> Adjust the left and right alignment of table fields</p><p><TD BGCOLOR> Set the background color of table fields</ p><p><TD COLSPAN ROWSPAN> Merge table fields</p><p><TD NOWRAP> Set table fields not to wrap</p><p><TD VALIGN> Adjustment</p><p>Align table fields top and bottom</p><p><TD WIDTH> Adjust table field width</p><p><TD>...</TD> Define the data field bits of the table <frameset cols=\20% ,*\>Split left and right, split the left frame into 20%. The browser will automatically adjust the size of the right frame</p><p><frameset rows=\20%,*\>Split up and down, split the upper frame into smaller sizes. The browser will automatically adjust the size of the frame below 20%</p><p><frameset cols=\20%,*\>Split the left and right frames</p><p><frameset cols=\20%, *,20%\>Split the left, middle and right frames</p><p><frameset rows=\20%,*,20%\>Split the upper, middle and lower frames</p><p><FRAME MARGINHEIGHT> Set the upper and lower borders of the window</p><p><FRAME MARGINWIDTH> Set the left and right borders of the window</p><p><FRAME NAME> Name the split window</p><p><FRAME NORESIZE > Lock the size of the split window</p><p><FRAME SCROLLING> Set the scroll bar of the split window</p><p><FRAME SRC> Add the HTML file to the window</p><p><FRAMESET COLS> Split the window into left and right sub-windows</p><p><FRAMESET ROWS> Split the window into upper and lower sub-windows</p><p><FRAMESET>...</FRAMESET> Divide the split window< /p><p><CAPTION ALIGN> Set the table title position</p><p><CENTER> Align to the center</p><p><CITE>...<CITE> Text used for citation< /p><p><CODE>...</CODE> is used to list a program code</p><p><COMMENT>...</COMMENT> with comments</p><p> <DD> Item explanation of setting definition list</p><p><DFN>...</DFN> Display\Definition\Text</p><p><DIR>...</DIR> list Text label</p><p><DL>...</DL> Set the label of the definition list</p><p><DT> Set the item of the definition list</p><p> <EM> Document type <HTML></HTML> for emphasis (placed at the beginning and end of the file)</p><p>Document topic <TITLE></TITLE> (must be placed in the "Header" block (within)</p><p>Header <HEAD></HEAD> (descriptive information, such as "topic")</p><p>Style <BODY></BODY> (document body)</p><p> p><p>(Display style controlled by browser)</p><p>Title <H?></H?> (from 1 to 6, there are six levels of selection)</p><p>Title Alignment of <H? ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></H?></p><p>Differentiation<DIV></DIV></p><p>Alignment of distinction <DIV ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT |CENT</p><p>ER|JUSTIFY></DIV></p><p>Citation block <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> (usually indented)</p><p>Emphasis <EM></EM> (usually ended with Italics)</p><p>Special emphasis on <STRONG></STRONG> (usually in bold)</p><p>Citation <CITE></CITE> (usually in italics)< /p><p>Code<CODE></CODE> (for displaying source code)</p><p>Sample<SAMP></SAMP></p><p>Keyboard input <KBD></ KBD></p><p>Variable <VAR></VAR></p><p>Definition <DFN></DFN> (some browsers do not provide it)</p><p>Address <ADDRESS> </ADDRESS></p><p>Large characters<BIG></BIG></p><p>Small characters<SMALL></SMALL></p><p>Appearance-related tags (customized by the author Expression method)</p><p>Bold<B></B></p><p>Italic<I></I></p><p>Underline<U></U> (Some browsers still do not provide it)</p><p>Strikethrough <S></S> (Some browsers do not provide it yet)</p><p>Subscript <SUB></SUB></ p><p>Superscript<SUP></SUP></p><p>Typewriter <TT></TT> (displayed in single space font)</p><p>Predetermined format<PRE> </PRE> (Preserve the size of spaces in the file)</p><p>The width of the predetermined format <PRE WIDTH=?></PRE> (calculated in characters)</p><p>Align to the center< CENTER></CENTER> (Both text and pictures are acceptable)</p><p>Shine<BLINK></BLINK> (The most mocked label ever)</p><p>Font Size<FONT SIZE= ?></FONT> (from 1 to 7)</p><p>Change font size <FONT SIZE=+|-?></FONT></p><p>Basic font size <BASEFONT SIZE=? > (from 1 to 7; defaults to 3)</p><p>Font Color<FONT COLOR='#$$$$$$'></FONT> Link <A href='/URL'></ A></p><p>Link to anchor <A HREF='URL#***'></A> (if the anchor is in another file)</p><p><A HREF=' #***'></A> (if the anchor points to an existing file)</p><p>Link to target viewbox<A href='/URL' TARGET='***'></A> </p><p>Set anchor point<A NAME='***'></A></p><p>Graphic<IMG src='/URL'></p><p>Graphic Alignment <IMG src='/URL' ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM</p><p>|MIDDLE></p><p>Graphic alignment <IMG src='/URL'</p><p>ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|TEXTTOP|ABSMIDDLE|BASELINE|ABSBOTTOM></p><p>Replaced Text <IMG src='/URL' ALT='***'> (This text will be displayed if there is no way to display the graphic)</p><p>Click the image <IMG src='/URL' ISMAP> (required CGI program)</p><p>N2.0 Click on the image<IMG src='/URL' USEMAP='URL'></p><p>N2.0 Map<MAP NAME='***' ></MAP>(Describe Map)</p><p>N2.0 Paragraph<AREA SHAPE='RECT' COORDS=',,,' href='/URL'|NOHREF></p><p> 3.0 Size <IMG src='/URL' WIDTH='?' HEIGHT='?'> (in pixels) N1.0 Graphics Edge <IMG src='/URL' BORDER=?> (in pixels) </p><p>N1.0 Graphics edge space<IMG src='/URL' HSPACE=? VSPACE=?> (in pixels)</p><p>N1.0 Low-resolution graphics<IMG src='/URL' LOWsrc='/URL'></p><p>N1.1 The client pulls <META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' CONTENT='?; URL=URL'> (the client automatically updates )</p><p>N2.0 Embedded Object <EMBED src='/URL'> (Insert the object into the page)</p><p>N2.0 Embedded Object Size<EMBED src='/URL ' WIDTH='?' HEIGHT='?'> Paragraph <P> (usually two returns) </p><p>3.0 Paragraph <P></P> (newly defined as a container tag)</p ><p>3.0 Text alignment <P ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></P></p><p>Line break<BR> (a return)</p><p>N1.0 Text part Alignment method <BR CLEAR=LEFT|RIGHT|ALL> (when used with graphics)</p><p>Horizontal line<HR></p><p>N1.0 Horizontal line alignment<HR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT |CENTER></p><p>N1.0 Horizontal line thickness <HR SIZE=?> (in pixels)</p><p>N1.0 Horizontal line width <HR WIDTH=?> (in pixels) unit)</p><p>N1.0 Horizontal line ratio width <HR WIDTH=%> (page width is 100%)</p><p>N1.0 Solid line <HR NOSHADE> (no three-dimensional Effect)</p><p>N1.0 No line breaks<NOBR></NOBR> (No line breaks)</p><p>N1.0 Line breaks<WBR> (line breaks can be made here if necessary) </p><p>Enumeration (can be nested)</p><p>Unordered enumeration <UL><LI></UL> (<LI> is placed before each item)</p> <p>N1.0 Public enumeration<UL TYPE=DISC|</p><p>CIRCLE|SQUARE>(define all enumerated items)</p><p><LI TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE>(define this and subsequent enumerated items)</p><p>Sequential enumeration< OL><LI></OL> (<LI> placed before each item)</p><p>N1.0 Number type <OL TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (Definition All enumerated items)</p><p><LI TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (define this and subsequent enumerated items)</p><p>N1.0 starting number< OL value=?> (define all enumeration items)</p><p><LI value=?> (define this and subsequent enumeration items)</p><p>Definition enumeration<DL><DT ><DD></DL>(<DT>item, <DD>Definition)</p><p>Form-based enumeration<MENU><LI></MENU> (<LI> is placed before each item) </p><p>Directory enumeration <DIR><LI></DIR> (<LI> is placed before each item) 3.0 Repeated background <BODY background='/URL'></p>< p>N1.1+ Background color <BODY BGCOLOR='#$$$$$$'> (red, green, blue in order)</p><p>N1.1+ Text color <BODY TEXT=' #$$$$$$'></p><p>N1.1+ Link Color<BODY LINK='#$$$$$$'></p><p>N1.1+ Viewed Link <BODY VLINK='#$$$$$$'></p><p>N1.1 Link in use <BODY ALINK='#$$$$$$'> Special characters (the following tags require Use lowercase) special symbol &#?; (where ? represents the code of ISO 8859-1)</p><p>< < > > & & ' '</p><p>Registered trademark TM ?</p> <p>N1. Registered TrademarkTM?</p><p>Copyright Symbol?</p><p>N1. Copyright Symbol? Form (usually needs to be cooperated with CGI program) Definition Form<FORM ACTION= 'URL' METHOD=GET|POST></FORM></p><p>N2.0 Upload file <FORM ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data></FORM></p><p>Input field <INPUT TYPE='TEXT|PASSWORD|CHECKBOX|RADIO|IMAGE|HIDDEN|SUBMIT|RESET'></p><p>Field name<INPUT NAME='***'></p><p>Column Bit default value <INPUT value='***'></p><p><INPUT CHECKED> selected (applies to checkboxes and radio boxes)</p><p>Field width <INPUT SIZE=? > (in characters)</p><p>Maximum number of words <INPUT MAXLENGTH=?> (in characters)</p><p>Drop-down menu <SELECT></SELECT> </p><p>Drop-down menu name<SELECT</p><p>NAME='***'></SELECT></p><p>Number of menu items<SELECT SIZE=?></SELECT></p><p>Multi-select menu<SELECT MULTIPLE> (Multiple selection )</p><p>Options<OPTION></p><p>Default options<OPTION SELECTED></p><p>Text input area<TEXTAREA ROWS=? COLS=?></TEXTAREA></ p><p>Input area name<TEXTAREA NAME='***'></TEXTAREA></p><p>N2.0 Input area line wrapping method<TEXTAREA WRAP=OFF|VIRTUAL|PHYSICAL></TEXTAREA> 3.0 Define table <TABLE></TABLE></p><p>3.0 Table border <TABLE BORDER></TABLE> (with or without)</p><p>N1.1 Table border <TABLE BORDER =?></TABLE>(value can be set)</p><p>N1.1 Leave the left and right spaces of the cell blank<TABLE CELLSPACING=?></p><p>N1.1 Leave the top and bottom of the cell blank< TABLE CELLPADDING=?></p><p>N1.1 Table width <TABLE WIDTH=?> (in pixels)</p><p>N1.1 Width ratio <TABLE WIDTH=%> (page width is 100%)</p><p>3.0 Table column <TR></TR></p><p>3.0 Table column content is consistent <TR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> </p><p>3.0 Cell <TD></TD> (must be used together with columns)</p><p>3.0 Align cell contents <TD ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE| BOTTOM></p><p>3.0 No line wrapping<TD NOWRAP></p><p>N3.0 Cell background color<TD BGCOLOR=#$$$$$$></p><p>3.0 Cell horizontal connection <TD COLSPAN=?></p><p>3.0 Cell vertical connection <TD ROWSPAN=?></p><p>N1.1 Cell width <TD WIDTH=?> (in pixels (unit)</p><p>N1.1 Cell width ratio <TD WIDTH=%> (page width is 100%)</p><p>3.0 Table title <TH></TH> (followed by < TD>The same, but it will be centered and bold)</p><p>3.0 Table title alignment<TH ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM></p><p>3.0 Table title No line breaks<TH NOWRAP></p><p>3.0 How many columns does the table title occupy?<TH COLSPAN=?></p><p>3.0 How many columns does the table title occupy<TH ROWSPAN=?></p><p >N1.1 Table title width <TH WIDTH=?> (in pixels)</p><p>N1.1 Table title</p><p>Ratio width <TH WIDTH=%> (page width is 100%)</p><p>3.0 Table header <CAPTION></CAPTION></p><p>3.0 Table header <CAPTION ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM >(above/below the table)</p><p>View frame (define and control a specific area on the screen)</p><p>N2.0 View frame format general definition<FRAMESET></FRAMESET > (replaces <BODY>)</p><p>N2.0 view frame row length allocation <FRAMESET ROWS=,,,></FRAMESET> (pixels or %)</p><p>N2.0 view frame row length allocation Frame row length allocation <FRAMESET ROWS=*></FRAMESET> (* = relative size)</p><p>N2.0 View frame column width allocation <FRAMESET COLS=,,,></FRAMESET> (pixels or %)</p><p>N2.0 View frame column width allocation <FRAMESET COLS=*></FRAMESET> (* = relative size)</p><p>N2.0 Define individual view frames <FRAME> (Define individual view frames)</p><p>N2.0 Individual view frame content<FRAME src='/URL'></p><p>N2.0 Individual view frame name<FRAME NAME='** *'|_blank|_self|_parent|_top></p><p>N2.0 margin width <FRAME MARGINWIDTH=?> ("left" and "right" borders)</p><p>N2.0 margin Height <FRAME MARGINHEIGHT=?> (Boundary between "zenith" and "underground")</p><p>N2.0 scroll bar <FRAME SCROLLING='YES|NO|AUTO'></p><p> N2.0 Unresizeable <FRAME NORESIZE></p><p>N2.0 Content without frame <NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES> (if the browser does not provide the frame function)</p></div> </div> <div class="module mod-visit"> <div class="hd">Related articles</div> <div class="bd"> <li><a href="/Trademarkregistration/mioqjvnntl.html">Poems praising green peony</a></li> <li><a href="/Trademarkregistration/edpfurwoyj.html">Writing 6 words on the topic of love</a></li> <li><a href="/Trademarkregistration/hkprxzxclv.html">Is the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan Zhong Bai Supermarket real wine?</a></li> <li><a href="/Trademarkregistration/kgnomrmpuv.html">What free gardens are there in Suzhou? 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