Little prince, are you willing to tame this fox waiting for love?
Are Prince, QUE and Leonard ·QUI lovers? If this is a dialogue, then the little prince doesn't have to wear articles to be a man! Adjectives can be added or not! Because, in a specific dialogue situation, there is no need to emphasize! The choice of topic is exquisite, depending on the relationship between the speaker and the prince. If the pilot inside said this sentence, he used TU, and if the pilot used vous, it was a code word or a joke. If a servant says this to the prince, he must show his respect with VOUS as sujet! As for the tense and form of the verb vouloir, it is best to express your wishes in the conditional present tense, with a soft tone! Vouloir's conditional present tense can also be changed to desirer's direct present tense! =)