I bought something on Taobao, and I tore the bag of SF Express. Can I return it?
It doesn't matter if the courier bag is torn. As for the bag inside, I don't know what kind of bag it is, whether it is a handbag or other bags. Generally, if you buy something on Taobao, you can return it for seven days without reason as long as the goods remain unchanged for the second time. It also depends on what kind of store you are in. Generally, you will contact the seller to return the goods first, and the seller will provide you with the corresponding after-sales service. Provide corresponding solutions. So whether you can return the goods depends on how you communicate with the seller. Does the seller support returning goods? If the seller does not support the return of goods, depending on the cause of the accident, you can apply for rights protection and complaints. , so as to let Taobao Xiaoer intervene, so as to safeguard their rights and interests!