1. It is protected by the state and can't be used by anyone else. When registering a trademark, in order to obtain the exclusive right of the trademark in the country where the trademark card is sold. When registering a trademark, others cannot register or use the same or similar trademark with their own trademark on the same or similar goods or services, that is, they are fully prepared for the market.
2. Registered trademarks are the most important intangible assets of enterprises, which can be passed on to future generations and can be transferred and inherited as property investment and mortgage.
3. Products are easy to sell in big shopping malls or supermarkets, and more and more big shopping malls or supermarkets only allow goods with registered trademarks to enter.
Most consumers think that the quality of goods with registered trademarks is more reliable and easy to win the trust of consumers. After effective registration, a trademark can occupy the market stably for a long time, expand the sales volume, maintain a good reputation, become a famous trademark, and then become a well-known trademark. If you do not register in time, register first. As a result, although you spend a lot of money on advertising, there is no economic benefit. Instead, you will help others, publicize others and build brands for others.
5. Avoid well-thought-out, well-designed trademarks being registered first by others. Because I have already said that the principle of "application first" applies to the same trademark registration application, and the application in the latter is not only allowed to register the trademark, but also not allowed to be reused, otherwise it will constitute infringement.
6. Avoid unintentional infringement and pay huge compensation. The Supreme People's Court's new judicial interpretation stipulates that the amount of compensation shall be decided by the infringed.