How to apply for a trademark or patent through the World Intellectual Property Organization?
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) applied for international trademarks and PCT patents through WIPO. What about WIPO? Function is equivalent to a transit station. For example, if you apply for a basic trademark in one member country, you can apply in more member countries through WIPO designation, and the cost will be higher than that of a single one? It is more cost-effective to be angry. WIPO will first review the application, and if there is no problem, it will send the application to all countries, and then all countries can continue to review it. If the landlord needs it, he can directly log in to WIPO official website to apply. If it is too much trouble to find information, or the procedures are unclear, and so on. You can open the IP bookmark and select the WIPO page. WIPO has a global trademark search system and a global patent search system, and the cost and application process are transparent? .