Taobao has no reason to return goods for 7 days. If the tag is cut off, it cannot be returned. Taobao has no reason to return the goods for seven days. The definition of good goods is that the goods can maintain their original quality and function;
the buyer shall ensure that the returned goods and related accessories (attachments) (such as tags, manuals, three-package cards, etc.) are complete, and maintain the original quality and function, without damage, contamination, scratch-off anti-counterfeiting, activation (authorization), etc., and without traces of appearance and unreasonable use of personal data.
Extended information:
Buyers who choose to return goods without reason by Taobao should send a return application to Taobao sellers within seven days from the date of receiving the goods (counting from : the next day when the logistics shows that the goods are signed for, it is seven days after 168 hours). The goods returned by the buyer shall be in good condition.
when the buyer returns the goods for seven days without reason, the buyer will only bear the return postage if the seller guarantees the goods; If the goods are not postage-guaranteed or are postage-guaranteed by the seller, and the buyer fails to meet the postage-guaranteed conditions due to partial return, the buyer shall bear all the postage. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, the agreement shall prevail. If the buyer abuses the member's rights, all the freight will be borne by the buyer.
Taobao-Taobao has no reason to return goods for seven days.