no. The online trademark application system of the State Trademark Office only accepts trademark registration agencies, and does not accept individuals or enterprises to apply for trademark registration online. If you go to the Beijing Trademark Office to handle it in person, you can apply directly by yourself. To submit an online application for trademark registration, the applicant for trademark registration shall be a natural person, legal person or other organization that meets the qualification of the subject of trademark registration application as stipulated in the Trademark Law. Trademarks applied for online registration include commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks and certification trademarks. To submit an online application for trademark registration, the application documents shall be submitted through China Trademark Network in the file format, data standard, operation specification and transmission mode specified by the Trademark Office, and the identity and subject qualification documents required for trademark registration application shall be uploaded as required. The applicant for trademark registration shall entrust a trademark registration agency that has been filed with the Trademark Office to apply for trademark registration online. The relationship between the applicant and the trademark agency that submitted the online application for trademark registration is a trademark agency. Submit an online application for trademark registration, and the date of application shall be the date of entry into the electronic system of the Trademark Office. Submit an online application for trademark registration, and the application information shall be subject to the database records of the Trademark Office. However, unless the parties do have evidence to prove that there are errors in the database records of the Trademark Office.
Legal basis
, Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China.