English abbreviation of Koryo Shipping Company
Company code: KMTC Shipping Company KMTC Shipping Company trademark
Company abbreviation: Koryo Shipping Company
Company name (English): KOREA MARINE TRANSPORT CO., LTD.
Company name (Chinese): Korea Shipping Co., Ltd.
Established: 1954
Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, it is mainly engaged in shipping business between China, South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Since February 1994, KMTC has opened representative offices in Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Xiamen and Shenzhen to provide China route services.
Korea Shipping (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was officially established on January 1, 2009. This is also the first branch of Korea Shipping (KMTC) with independent legal personality in mainland China.