There must be, as long as there is something similar to a contract, it should be confirmed. The original author of a copyrighted work and his or her successors have several fundamental rights. They have the exclusive right to use, or license to others to use, their work under agreed terms. The creator of a work may prohibit or permit: the reproduction of the work in various forms, such as prints or recordings; the public performance of the work, such as in the form of a dramatic or musical work; the recording of the work, such as on a compact disc, disk or in the form of a videotape; to broadcast it by radio, cable or satellite means; to translate it into other languages, or to adapt it, such as adapting a novel into a film or television script. Many creative works protected by copyright require substantial distribution, dissemination, and financial investment in order to be promoted (e.g., publications, phonograms, and films); therefore, creators often sell their rights to the work to those who can best market it The person or company that created the work receives compensation, which is often paid when the work is actually used, and is therefore called a royalty. These economic rights are time-limited. According to the relevant treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the time limit is 50 years after the death of the creator. Domestic law may provide for longer time limits. This time limit allows the creator and his heirs to obtain financial benefits within a reasonable period of time. Copyright protection also includes moral rights, which involve the right to identify the author of a work and the right to object to modifications to the work that might damage the reputation of the creator. The creator - that is, the owner of the copyright in a work - may use administrative means or through the courts to inspect the premises to find evidence of the production or possession of illegally produced - pirated - items related to the protected work. Enforce rights. Rights holders may also ask for a court order to stop these illegal activities and may seek damages to compensate for their losses in terms of financial remuneration and recognition.