Which category does leather bag trademark transfer belong to? It belongs to Class 18 trademark, which is not only leather products, artificial leather products, luggage and travel bags, daily leather products, but also different from Class 14 metal wallets, Class 16 card holders and business card holders. Mainly refers to leather bag products, and the types of women's bag trademarks are still very wide.
Log in to the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Network and you can see the humanized display page of the trademark. All 45 categories of labels are covered. At the same time, scientific classification also greatly facilitates customers' searches, just like a standard trademark supermarket. It goes without saying that good service, one-to-one trademark consultants to answer your questions and confusions, trademark notarization to ensure fairness, and smooth processes help you seize business opportunities.
When it comes to trademark transfer, no matter what the outside world says, we must make our own judgment. In an era where efficiency and security are increasingly emphasized, the advantages of trademark transfer are becoming more and more obvious. Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Network has many leather bag trademarks for sale. Not only are they high-quality labels, but they also have good meanings. We also have specialized brand teachers who can tailor the meaning of your trademarks for you. You may wish to contact us Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark immediately. Transfer.com’s online customer service allows you to purchase trademarks faster than registering a trademark. It is more worry-free and time-saving. Merchants can also enter the market earlier.