1. Examination: After accepting the application, the examining officer will examine the trademark. The content of the examination includes whether there is an identical trademark or a similarity that may constitute fraud.
The trademark is identical or similar. Similar products have already been registered. When determining whether a trademark is distinctive, the examining attorney may also consider the distinctiveness that the trademark possesses on related goods through actual use. If the applicant still fails to meet the requirements within 3 months after the examiner requires the applicant to make amendments to the application, the examiner will notify the applicant in writing. If the applicant still fails to meet the requirements after another 3 months, the examiner may revoke the application. considered invalid. During the second 3-month period, the applicant may promptly submit an extension request.
2. Announcement and opposition: After approving the application, the examining officer will arrange for the application to be published in the trademark announcement. Within 3 months from the date of announcement, anyone may submit a written objection to the review officer. This objection period can rarely be extended.