If you want to apply for a registered trademark in Germany, you must first submit the information required for registration:
① If you are applying as a legal person, you need to submit a "Business License" or a valid registration certificate 1 copy with official seal; if applying as a natural person, you need to submit 1 copy of personal ID card;
②Applicant’s name, nationality, detailed address, postal code, and contact information;
③Electronic version of trademark standard sample;
④Product name and category;
⑤Notarized power of attorney.
*Note: The non-English parts of all trademark documents submitted to the Trademark Office should be accompanied by corresponding English translations.
The German Trademark Office will review the applied samples. The following trademark samples do not meet the regulations:
1. Not distinctive enough and lacking in distinctiveness;
2. Descriptive trademarks, except those that have acquired secondary meaning through use in Germany;
3. Easily misleading the public and confusing with previously applied trademarks;
4. Contains protected standards such as national symbols and national flags;
5. Violates public policy or moral principles.