How to make an appointment to exchange rubles at the bank?
Make an appointment at Alipay to exchange rubles at the bank. You can exchange Russian roubles in commercial banks approved by any country that can handle foreign exchange business. You can make an appointment to exchange rubles in the bank on Alipay software by searching for "reserved exchange" in the search box at the top of Alipay, entering the interface, selecting "Russian ruble" in the column of "currency", selecting the bank outlets in your city in the column of "outlets", and then selecting the time you want to withdraw money in the column of "time", all of which are filled in later. Click "Start Booking" to pay the RMB amount corresponding to foreign currency exchange online, and get the details of the booking order after confirming the payment is successful. On the day of appointment, you can pick up the money at the appointment bank outlet with your ID card and the details of the appointment form within the validity period. Banks are legally established financial institutions engaged in monetary and credit business, and are the product of the development of commodity monetary economy to a certain stage.