As long as it is a normal transaction, credit cards can be used for large amounts. There is no doubt that there are indeed many people who are watching the use of credit cards, resulting in risk control by the bank, and then the card is blocked and the limit is reduced. In fact, friends, don’t worry. The basis for banks to define cardholders as high-risk users is the frequent occurrence of single or multiple violations within a period of time, rather than the cardholder’s occasional violation of the card, such as maxing out the card.
As long as you pay attention to the following points, you can generally get along with the bank without any problems:
1. You cannot clear the limit in one go, especially for large-deposit cards below Platinum. Try not to spend more than 50% of the total amount on the card.
2. Do not make several transactions in a short period of time, always operate on one machine.
3. Don’t swipe the card at the same time as the merchant’s business hours. It’s too obvious to swipe the whole number, at least there should be a fraction.
4. After a large transaction, there must be at least a few real transactions, and you must know the purpose of the card.
5. If the bank actively requests installment, do not refuse. Reasonable installment can avoid risk control.
6. Avoid empty cards, minimum repayments, excessive installments, etc. for more than three consecutive months.