Credit card limit, also known as credit card available limit, refers to the maximum amount of credit card you can use, including credit limit (that is, the maximum overdraft limit of credit card) and the amount deposited in credit card.
What is the maximum amount of a general credit card? Please refer to the audit results for the specific credit card maximum limit. Under normal circumstances, the fixed amount of Puka is 1 1,000 yuan-1 1,000 yuan, and the fixed amount of Gold Card is 1 1,000 yuan-50,000 yuan. The amount of a platinum card is generally a fixed amount of 50 thousand yuan plus a temporary amount that is actively adjusted for you every month.
For example, the credit card limit of China Merchants Bank is determined according to the information and credit status provided by the cardholder when applying, which is the maximum limit for the cardholder to overdraw consumption and withdraw cash. Available credit limit refers to the unused credit limit in your credit card. The available amount will decrease with each consumption and recover with each repayment.
Skills of expanding data and increasing quota
First, continuous and frequent credit card consumption
Persistence means that after you have a credit card, you should insist on long-term credit card consumption. It is best to have a credit card spending limit every month for more than three consecutive months. Don't freeze it for a long time.
The frequency is to swipe your card anywhere you can, regardless of the amount. The more credit card times and services, the better. If you swipe your card at one time, it is easy for banks to think that there is a suspicion of cash withdrawal by credit card, and it is difficult to increase the quota.
Second, pay attention to the credit card limit and temporary withdrawal.
Pay attention to the credit card limit and make full use of temporary withdrawals.
Third, stick to application and seize the opportunity of application.
Insist on applying and seize the opportunity to apply, and have both. For credit card users, you can insist on telephone application to increase the credit card limit, because different customer service or staff have slightly different attitudes and principles in handling this application. Maybe the last one failed and the next one passed. Sticking to the record left by telephone application will also help to increase the application amount in the future.
Baidu encyclopedia-credit card limit