If you want to know when your credit card will be repaid, then you need to know when the bill date of your CCB credit card is? The bill will be indicated in the card letter you receive. The account shall be settled on this billing date every month, and the repayment date shall be within 20 days after the billing date.
For example, if your credit card billing date is the 5th, then the bill will be settled on the 5th of each month (the first installment bill will be settled from September 6th to June 5th, 10), and the final repayment date of the credit card billing date is June 25th, 10.
After the credit card transaction, a bill will be received every month, and the bill date and due date will also be indicated on the bill. You can also query through various self-service methods. For example, edit a short message with a mobile phone reserved by the bank, and send "the last 4 digits of cczd# card number" or "the last 4 digits of 3 1 1# card number" to 95533, and you can query the bill date and repayment date.