You can accumulate credit card points by swiping your card for consumption and cash advance. For example, you can accumulate credit card points by swiping your card for consumption in shopping malls, restaurants, hotel accommodations, and travel.
1. Everbright Bank credit card holders can earn points by swiping their cards for purchases, cash advances, and mail ordering and installment payment services.
2. Everbright Bank credit card holders can earn 1 point for a single purchase or cash withdrawal of RMB 1, and 8 points for a USD 1. A single RMB cash withdrawal can earn up to 20,000 points, and a USD cash withdrawal can earn up to 20,000 points. A maximum of 24,000 points can be earned per transaction, of which points will not be calculated for cash withdrawal transactions that do not charge cash withdrawal fees. Points generated from the transaction amount will take effect on the day after the bank accounting date.
3. If a Everbright Bank credit card holder has two or more credit cards, the points accumulated by each card will be calculated together.
4. For refunds due to disputes over credit card billing or other reasons, China Everbright Bank will adjust the points previously earned in proportion to the amount of the refund.
5. China Everbright Bank reserves the right to adjust the points conversion ratio and reserves the right of interpretation within the scope permitted by law.