It means that credit card repayment is free of handling fees within a certain amount. If you exceed the free repayment limit, you may be charged. Free credit card repayment is generally provided by a third-party payment platform. Credit cards must be returned on time after daily use, and payment shall not be overdue. After overdue payment, there is usually a penalty interest. The longer the time, the more penalty interest. If the credit card expires, the bank will charge a fee. If the credit card fails to repay for a long time, the bank will freeze the credit card and the bank will sue the cardholder for repayment.
Can I change the repayment date of my credit card?
Credit card repayment date can be modified.
The credit card payment date is the repayment date calculated according to the bill date. As long as the account date changes, the payment date will change. Note: The general bill date can only be changed for one year.