You can get a credit card when you buy a car in installments, which saves money compared with bank car loans and auto financing companies. Usually, credit card installment payment is free of guarantee and interest, and only charges a handling fee. At the same time, when buying a car by credit card, there is no mandatory requirement for new car insurance and renewal. Generally, you only need to buy major insurance and burglary.
The difference between buying a car by installment and buying a car by loan.
1. Buying a car by installment: it is a credit loan, with simple application procedures and fast approval speed, and there is no loan interest, but a certain handling fee will be charged.
2. Loan to buy a car: It is a secured loan, and generally the purchased car needs to be used as collateral. The loan amount is high, up to 80% of the car price, but the loan approval is slow, which generally takes 15-30 days.
The procedure of buying a car by loan may be more troublesome than buying a car by installment. If the owner doesn't buy the car in full, he can choose the right way to buy the car according to his own conditions.