Doesn’t count. Most bank credit cards have a grace period for repayment, usually three days. Therefore, a credit card payment that is delayed for two days is not considered overdue. As long as the user repays within the grace period, it is not considered overdue, and the bank will regard the user as repaying on time.
In addition, users need to pay attention to repaying the balance before 7pm on the last day of the grace period. Because UnionPay's settlement time is 7 p.m., if you pay the balance after 7 p.m., it must be overdue.
Is a credit card a debit card or a credit card?
It is a credit card. A credit card is a credit card issued by a bank, not a debit card. Debit cards usually refer to savings cards, which can be used for deposits, withdrawals, and transfers, but cannot be used for overdrafts. They can only be used for deposits and consumption. A credit card is a bank card that can be overdrawn, usually referred to as a credit card. It is a bank card that can be overdrawn for consumption and then repaid, without the need to deposit in advance before using it. In addition, credit cards will provide users with a certain interest-free period. Users need to choose to repay in full before they can enjoy the interest-free service.