After applying for a credit card installment, you cannot repay more, unless you repay in advance. The number of credit card installments cannot be modified after the installment is successful. If you need to settle the installment in advance, please call the bank's customer service hotline to transfer the manual application. After the application is approved, the undisbursed principal and handling fee will be settled in one go and will be included in the next month's bill, and the bill amount needs to be paid off in one go.
Instalment repayment by bank credit card can be repaid in advance. If you choose to end the repayment early, you must repay all remaining principal and all installment fees in one lump sum before the next repayment date.
It should be reminded that the handling fee is charged on a monthly basis. For early repayment, only the handling fee for the current installment receivable will be charged. For periods ended early, no handling fee will be charged.
Bank credit card bill installment application requirements:
1. Bill installment application time
From the transaction date to the repayment date, you can freely choose to pay in RMB or transactions under a USD account for installments.
For transactions that have not been billed: You can apply for installment between the day the transaction occurs and 19:30 on the billing day corresponding to the transaction.
For bills that have been issued: You can apply for installments between the day after the bill date and the due payment date (for customers whose accounts have set up automatic repayment, the application deadline is 17:00 on the due payment date) 00).
2. Conditions for applying for bill installments
Applicants must hold a bank credit card, personal card master card, good card usage record, and no delay in current repayment. Customers who only hold commercial cards, business cards, purchasing cards, ANA guaranteed cards or supplementary cards cannot apply for bill installments at the moment.
3. Amount of bill installment application
To apply for RMB bill installment, the minimum application amount each time is not less than RMB 300; to apply for USD bill installment, the minimum application amount each time is not less than RMB 300. $100. After successfully applying for RMB or U.S. dollar bill installments, the principal of each installment and each installment handling fee will be credited to the RMB account, that is, the U.S. dollar bill installment amount will be converted into RMB according to the exchange rate specified at the time of application.