Usually you may forget to repay the loan or use financial products that exceed the consumption limit, and the consequences of refusing to repay the loan after the deadline are very serious. Don't think that it doesn't matter after a long time, and sanctions may not be imposed one day.
Once the personal bad record is on the credit report, it will seriously affect the later loan and affect the children. In addition, the bad record is kept for five years, counting from the time when the arrears are paid off. In other words, as long as you don't pay back the money, this record will accompany you for life.
Jiufu Wanka is an exclusive credit account launched by Jiufu Group, which is a credit card installed in mobile phones. As long as the borrower's real name is authenticated, he can get a credit line, advance cash, shop in installments and help pay back the credit card.
The credit line of Jiufuwanka is a revolving credit line, which can be recycled and will be restored immediately after it is returned at maturity. Moreover, once the card is opened, it can be recycled for life, which can avoid the trouble of submitting application materials twice.
1, how to make the next payment?
Jiufuwanka has no special restrictions on users. As long as they are mainland citizens aged 18 and have good credit status, they can generally apply (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots for the time being).
Before the next payment, you will make an audit call to verify the information. Under normal circumstances, the next payment will be made soon after the approval. How to repay "Jiufuwanka"? Can I pay in advance?
2. Card opening conditions
The card can be opened in four simple steps: step one: registration; The second step: real name card opening; Step 3: Obtain the quota; Step 4: borrow money.
3. What information do I need to open the "Jiufuwanka" card?
The whole loan process can be completed on the mobile phone. You only need to complete the operation according to the mobile phone prompts and input the corresponding information to apply.
You need to fill in personal basic information, mobile phone operator, credit card (email), credit card (online banking), second-generation ID card and other information when applying specifically, and you don't need to provide any paper materials and face stamps.