Since the aviation accident insurance of credit card is introduced by the bank, you need to inform the bank that handles the credit card after the insurance accident, and then the bank will make a claim to the insurance company. You can consult the customer service center of the bank that handles your credit card, because different banks have different regulations. If you think it is complicated to apply for aviation accident insurance by credit card, you can also buy insurance yourself to improve your protection. Buy aviation accident insurance through Hui Ze. Com not only has a large choice, but also has a guarantee for later claims service. Wise aviation accident insurance-accident and delay cancellation plan single plan coverage: * plane accident 1 10,000 yuan * flight delay in 400 yuan (more than 4 hours) * flight cancellation in 300 yuan as low as: 20 yuan/1 day million business travel plan (trapeze accident protection plan) coverage: * civil aviation plane accident death insurance 1 10,000 yuan as low as: