You can get loans with CCB credit cards. Credit card loans generally refer to cash installments. There are several application methods for CCB credit card cash installments:
1. Online banking application: Log in to CCB online banking and select "Credit Card" - "Instalment Management" - "Cash Installment".
2. ATM machine application: Insert your credit card into the CCB ATM, and then select "Credit Card Installment" - "Cash Installment Application".
3. Counter application: Bring your ID card and credit card to a CCB branch, and then apply for credit card cash installment at the counter.
4. Mobile banking application: Log in to CCB Mobile Banking and select "Credit Card" - "Cash Installment".
5. WeChat application: Follow the "China Construction Bank" official account, and then select "Credit Card" - "Bill Installment/Cash Installment".