1. Buy funds cleverly\x0d\ After receiving your salary, don’t rush to repay or deposit in the bank. Instead, buy money market funds, and then spend all your money with your credit card during the interest-free period. I waited until two days before the end of the credit card's interest-free period before redeeming the money market fund to repay the loan. And now some banks cooperate with fund companies, and money market funds can be set to automatically redeem and transfer them to credit card repayment accounts on a fixed date. \x0d\\x0d\ 2. Swipe more and get more points \x0d\ Some professionals have a lot of business activities and only carry a small amount of cash with them when going out for emergencies or for use in places where credit cards cannot be swiped. When shopping or eating, they swipe cards when they can. Especially when traveling on a business trip, all major expenses such as air tickets and accommodation expenses are settled with a credit card. It is simple and quick to accumulate tens of thousands of points at the same time. When you come back to reimburse, you will have an extra amount of cash on hand. \x0d\\x0d\ 3. Financial Accounting \x0d\ For many people who do not have accounting habits, cash consumption means unclear accounts. After using a credit card, the monthly credit card statement will list the date, store and amount of consumption one by one, making it clear at a glance. Then check it with the documents you keep in your daily consumption, organize and analyze it, and accumulate it for a period of time. Have a basic understanding of consumption patterns, so as to achieve rational consumption and reduce waste. \x0d\\x0d\ 4. Working capital \x0d\ In addition, the flexible use of credit card revolving credit can also help you solve the urgent need for funds in the early stages of starting a business. For example, small business owners constantly advance their own capital as deposits to manufacturers, and they often need a little cash urgently for entertainment purposes during daily business expansion. If you don’t have the conditions for a loan, it’s hard to repay it on time even if you ask a friend to borrow it. If you apply for credit cards from several banks and use different settlement dates to extend the payment period, you can solve the problem of temporary capital turnover.