Assuming that the credit card has been overdue for three years without any repayment, and now it is necessary to repay the overdue amount together, the total required repayment amount is 10,000 yuan.
Details are as follows:
1. Accumulation of interest: Overdue repayment will result in accumulation of interest. According to the regulations of the China Banking Association, late payment fees (i.e. interest) of 0.5% of the unpaid amount will be charged every day for overdue credit card payments. Taking 10,000 yuan as an example, there are 365*3 = 1095 days overdue for three years, and the cumulative late payment fee is 10,000 * 0.0005 * 1095 ≈ 547.5 yuan.
2. Penalty accumulation: In addition to interest, late repayment will also incur penalties. According to the regulations of the China Banking Association, if a credit card is overdue for more than 90 days, the bank may charge the cardholder a penalty of 30% of the credit card limit. Assuming that the credit card limit is 10,000 yuan, the fine amount is 10,000 * 0.3 = 3,000 yuan.
3. Principal plus interest and penalties: Add the principal, interest and penalties, and the total required repayment amount is 10,000 + 547.5 + 3000 = 13547.5 yuan.
Summary: If a credit card worth RMB 10,000 is overdue for three years without any repayment, the total repayment amount will now reach RMB 13,547.5. This includes a principal of RMB 10,000, interest of RMB 547.5 and a fine of RMB 3,000.
Extended information: According to Article 174 of the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", if the payment is overdue, the amount of delayed performance shall be paid as liquidated damages according to the contract. According to the regulations of the China Banking Association, the calculation methods of late fees and liquidated damages involved in overdue credit card repayments may be different, and the specific regulations of the relevant banks shall prevail.
The above is the answer based on relevant Chinese laws and Banking Association regulations. If there are different legal provisions, bank regulations or overdue circumstances in the actual situation, the repayment amount may be different. Cardholders are advised to repay on time to avoid additional overdue fees.