Credit cards are overdue if they are not repaid on time. After the deadline, the bank will report the overdue information to the People's Bank of China for credit investigation, which will seriously affect personal credit investigation. It will be more troublesome to apply for follow-up loans in China, such as mortgage and car loan, which will be difficult to apply or the application amount will be small. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to repay in time, and now you can repay. Although it is overdue, if you don't repay in advance, the interest owed to the bank will increase and the bank will sue you in court. You will have to repay the loan in the end. At that time, you will soon have to repay the principal+all the interest owed on the repayment date, plus all kinds of expenses incurred by the bank in suing the court, so you'd better find a way to repay it now, otherwise the loss will outweigh the gain.
When you go to the People's Bank of China for credit investigation, the possibility of borrowing money from banks or other financial institutions is almost zero, so borrow money from relatives, friends or other acquaintances as soon as possible for repayment. To tell the truth, 8000 yuan is not much now.
After the credit card is paid off, cancel the account immediately, and don't use the credit card again, so as to avoid the same problem again.