1. Pay attention to the repayment time: Pay special attention to the repayment time of the credit card within the 50-day interest-free period. The bill will clearly list the repayment amount and the minimum repayment amount. In order to make full use of the interest-free period, it is recommended to repay in full within 20 days after the bill date to ensure interest-free concessions. In addition, reasonable planning of consumption and repayment can avoid overdue interest and fines to ensure financial health. Pay attention to the changes of bills in time and make use of the reminder service provided by the bank to ensure that the repayment date is not missed.
2. Use the installment payment function: Although the 50-day interest-free period of credit cards is attractive, some consumption may exceed personal repayment ability. At this time, you can use the installment payment function of the credit card to reduce the repayment pressure.
3. Avoid over-overdraft: Although it is convenient to have a 50-day interest-free period for credit cards, over-overdraft will also bring many problems. We must pay attention to controlling personal consumption desire and avoid unnecessary consumption expenditure.