If your personal credit report is not good, and your credit card is overdue or canceled, it will have a certain negative impact on your credit record. In this case, the loan application may be affected and may face difficulties.
1. Credit card overdue and cancellation: Three years ago, three credit cards were overdue for more than 90 days and were all paid off, and then the credit cards were canceled. Overdue credit and cancellation will have a certain negative impact on credit history. Overdue credit cards will be recorded on personal credit reports, and canceling a credit card may be regarded as voluntarily giving up credit, further affecting personal credit scores.
2. Online approval rejected: When applying for a credit card, a credit review is usually conducted, including checking personal credit records. Due to poor personal credit, past overdue records and credit card cancellations may have a negative impact on the bank's decision to approve the credit card application, thus leading to rejection.
3. Loan application affected: Loan approval usually also involves a credit review and personal credit record inquiry. In the case of a poor personal credit report, past credit card overdue and cancellation records may be considered, which will have a certain negative impact on the loan application. The institution issuing the loan may consider the applicant to be a higher credit risk, making approval more difficult.
A poor personal credit report, and a credit card that has been overdue and canceled may have a negative impact on your credit score and network approval for credit card applications. These negative records may also be taken into account when applying for a loan, making the loan application more difficult.
Extended information:
Personal credit report is an evaluation system that reflects personal credit status. It provides reference basis for financial institutions and enterprises by recording and analyzing personal credit information. Personal credit reporting is mainly handled by credit reporting agencies, including the Credit Reporting Center of the People's Bank of China and other qualified commercial credit reporting agencies. An individual's credit record includes credit card, loan, overdraft and other information, which will have a certain impact on an individual's future credit activities.
When applying for a credit card or loan, your credit record is an important reference for approval by banks or financial institutions. A good credit history helps improve your credit score and credit limit, making it easier to get credit cards and loans. Negative records such as overdue credit and cancellation will have a negative impact on credit applications and may lead to difficulty in approval or rejection. Establishing a good credit record is an important way to maintain good personal credit, including repaying loans on time, avoiding overdue payments, and actively maintaining credit cards, etc.
The above are answers to the impact of poor personal credit, overdue credit cards and cancellation of credit cards on loan applications. Depending on the individual's specific circumstances, the impact may vary. It is recommended to consult a bank or financial institution in a timely manner to obtain more accurate information and help.