1. Use a credit card. Credit card is a good model. You can spend domestically. If it is a dual-currency card, you can shop internationally. However, different psn servers correspond to different credit cards, so everyone should pay attention to this: Hong Kong server: It is recommended to use the credit card of China Merchants Bank, mainly because I have not tried credit cards from other banks and have always used China Merchants Credit Card; US server: This comparison Trouble, for players who registered a year ago, if they bundled a domestic dual-currency card at that time, it would be fine. Now the US server no longer accepts overseas credit card consumption; European server: No chance, nothing is supported; Japanese server: Recommended The same applies to the JCB credit card of Bank of China, or the JCB card of China Merchants Bank. 2. Purchase psn point cards. Directly purchasing point cards can recharge your psn account, but it also requires partitioning. We can use some reputable purchasing agents to purchase, or go directly to the playasia website to purchase. But if you have a credit card, this is not a consideration!