If you don't intend to continue using credit cards, you must do so. If the account is not closed, the bank will charge an annual fee for the credit card. When closing the account, you should bring your valid ID card and the original card. If it's not convenient for me to close the account, someone else can help you. The agent must hold the power of attorney written by the principal (himself) and bring the original valid identity certificate to handle the account cancellation business.
If your card has not expired when you cancel your credit card account, some banks stipulate that you need to go to the designated outlets to receive the card, and then go through the formal account cancellation procedures after a certain period of time (up to 30 days).
This is mainly because if the cardholder has done a manual card pressing transaction before closing the account, the cardholder will have closed the account before the merchant submits the card pressing form to the bank for entry, and the bank will not be able to liquidate normally; On the other hand, if the cardholder is in consumption abroad or withdraws cash, it may take several days to settle the account. If the account is closed immediately, it will also affect the normal liquidation of the bank.
Extended data
Abuse of credit cards
1. Credit cards can easily lead to excessive consumption. This is a common problem for people who are caught in card debt, and swiping the card does not hurt the banknotes, so the consumption of swiping the card is even more unrestrained.
2. The annual interest rate of credit card is as high as 18%, which belongs to usury and can make the borrower lose blood quickly.
3. Credit card debt brings mental stress. Some card slaves report that they are often afraid of opening mailboxes or emails.
4. If the credit is not good, the cost of borrowing money is higher, or even you can't borrow money.
5. Credit card provides a kind of choice to support debt by debt and quench thirst by drinking poison, which leads to debt out of control.
Baidu encyclopedia-account cancellation