If the due repayment date fails to fully repay the total amount due in this period, the issuing bank will charge interest. Credit card cash withdrawal transactions do not enjoy interest-free repayment treatment, and the bank stipulates that interest will be charged at a daily rate of five ten thousandths from the bank bookkeeping date, and compound interest will be charged on a monthly basis. If the cardholder's accumulated repayment is less than the full repayment before the due repayment date (including that day), the interest before the repayment date shall be calculated based on the full repayment, and the interest after the repayment date shall be calculated according to the unpaid amount, with a daily interest rate of .5 ‰ and compound interest on a monthly basis. If the cardholder fails to repay the minimum repayment amount required by the issuing bank before the due repayment date (including that day), in addition to paying the loan interest, he will also pay a late fee of 5% of the unpaid part of the minimum repayment amount. The above interest-bearing days are the actual days from the bank bookkeeping date to the repayment date.
if the billing date is 7th of each month, the due repayment date is 27th of each month. If the personal consumption is 1, yuan on March 2th, and this consumption is credited to the credit card account on March 23rd, the statement on April 7th will list all the payable amount of 1, yuan in this period, with the minimum repayment amount of 1 yuan, and no other transactions have been credited from April 8th to May 7th. On April 27th, however, the individual paid off all the repayable RMB 1,, and the bank did not charge interest. If 1 yuan, the minimum repayment amount, is paid before April 27th, the bill on May 7th will list 9, yuan still outstanding, and interest will also be listed. Interest is the unpaid part of consumption × daily interest rate × interest-bearing days. The interest in the above example is divided into two parts, one is the interest of 175 yuan generated by 1, yuan before April 26th, and the other is the interest of 9, yuan generated from April 27th to May 7th, totaling 224.5 yuan. If the above-mentioned cardholders fail to pay the minimum repayment amount on April 27, there will be a late payment fee.