Credit cards must be repaid on time after daily use, and there can be no overdue repayment, because overdue repayment will generate penalty interest, and the bank will collect it after overdue repayment. If the amount is large and overdue for a long time, the bank can sue the cardholder and must return it after the court decides.
If the user can't repay on time after using the credit card, then you can consider using installment repayment or minimum repayment amount to avoid overdue repayment. Generally, the number of installments is selected according to one's own income, so as to ensure timely repayment in the future. Individuals can pay back in advance if they have money in the later period.
It should be noted that the overdue repayment of the user's credit card will be uploaded to the credit report, and the personal credit report will affect the handling of various loans. Moreover, after the arrears are returned, they will remain in the credit information for 5 years and disappear automatically after 5 years. If not, it will always be recorded in the credit report.