2. Every time you spend money by credit card, the bank will settle the bill for you on a fixed day every month, that is, the bank will bill you on this day, which will write down the date of your last repayment, and then you can read the bill.
3. If you withdraw cash, there is no interest-free period like credit card consumption, so you have to pay a handling fee of 1% and interest of five ten thousandths every day. In other words, don't withdraw cash unless you have to. If you must withdraw cash, it is the best policy to withdraw cash as soon as possible.
4. If you don't use it for one year, you may not swipe your card for a certain number of times for a long time, and there will be an annual fee.
5. Improving the credit limit depends on the bank's inspection of you, or you can call to apply. It doesn't matter if you brush more or less.
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