Generally speaking, banks are unwilling to sue you. From the time you don’t repay the money at the beginning until the court informs you that you still have half a year to raise funds, the bank will evaluate it based on your repayment ability and the amount of debt you owe. The situation is very complicated, and it is best to pay it off first, otherwise the interest will be very high, and the compound interest rate is 0.5%. Through continuous collection, reducing and recovering overdue loans, maintaining the normal use of customers, and reducing bank losses are the goals and tasks of credit card debt collection management, and are also an effective means to control and reduce risks in credit card credit business.
Currently, many banks outsource overdue credit card collection work to collection companies or set up credit card collection departments. Since outsourced collection companies have experienced many non-compliances, we should explore how to handle the collection in a compliant and effective manner. Conduct credit card collections.
Credit card collection process:
1. The cardholder has just overdue, and the user will send a text message to remind him of the repayment;
2. The customer service center will call the customer service center to remind him of the overdue time. ;
3. Entrust a lawyer to send a lawyer's letter on your behalf;
4. If the cardholder is overdue for more than 3 months, the bank will entrust a third-party collection company to collect the money;
< p>5. The collection company cannot recover the debt, the bank will sue you, and you will have to go to court.