In the process of applying for a credit card, the bank usually contacts your work unit for verification, instead of calling the immediate family directly. The approval stage mainly depends on the credit investigation of the work unit, not the personal contact. However, if the application materials are not clearly filled in, the bank may try to contact you personally, and if it fails many times, it may contact the filled-in contact person instead. However, this situation is relatively rare, and it is mainly used as an auxiliary means when the applicant cannot be found.
in the process of using the card, the bank will not contact the contact person actively unless it can't get in touch with you. However, in order to ensure successful approval and reduce unnecessary troubles, applicants should be prepared before applying. For example, remember the details of the application materials, and it is best to carry or memorize important information with you. Tell your colleagues in advance that if you receive a call from the bank, they can accurately convey your situation. Especially for employees of large companies, the bank may directly check the company phone number, so you need to make sure that the colleagues who answer the phone know your situation. If the fixed telephone is a friend's, please inform them in advance of possible telephone inquiries.