Credit cards cannot be used directly for investment and financial management, because most platforms do not support credit card recharge and transfer;
You must first get the funds from the card at the lowest cost, Then go for high-yield financial management that you are sure of, such as bank monetary funds, gold futures, foreign exchange, precious metals, etc.;
Credit cards collect existing handling fees and 0.05% of interest per day, and only 0.5% per day. You can withdraw 2,000, so cash withdrawal is not advisable;
The physical POS machine set has a handling fee of 1~~2, which is calculated based on the longest interest-free period of the bank credit card, and it is difficult for you to get within the longest interest-free period. Can earn 2; excluding loan sharks;
So you can only get it at the lowest cost on third-party payment platforms, 0.4~0.6;
You can cash out 50,000 with your credit card every month If so, the handling fee is 0.4, which is a handling fee of 200; if you put 50,000 into a bank monetary fund or Yu'e Bao, the shopkeeper's wallet of Industrial Bank, etc., and calculate it based on the current annualized income of the shopkeeper's wallet of Industrial Bank of 6.4, 50 Daily income = 50000*6.4/365*50 days = 438, you will have 200 income; if you put it on the current relatively reliable online loan platform, you can earn more than 1,000 per month for 50,000, of course the risk is relatively high; no If you understand, you can add me Q 515021979