For the bank loan business with higher threshold, car loan is not very popular with banks at present. If you need to apply, you need to provide collateral, but with the rapid depreciation of cars, the possibility of cars as collateral is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, bank car loan business is generally suitable for customers with certain fixed assets but low bank loan interest rate. Other certification materials and conditions that the bank needs to meet except the collateral. For example, before you can get a loan, you need to have enough repayment ability. You also need to submit proof of identity, proof of income, proof of residence, proof of collateral, and sign a mortgage contract, waiting for the bank's approval. Generally speaking, the speed of bank approval is about one month.
Credit card installment loan is not so complicated, but credit cards have higher credit requirements for customers, and not all models are suitable for credit card installment loan. First, the customer must have a bank credit card, and then choose a car that can be purchased by credit card. They still need to fill out some forms and submit the corresponding materials before they can get the car.
Installment payment of auto financing companies is a convenient way to handle it. In addition to submitting certification materials, it is also necessary to sign certain contracts with financial companies, and some financial companies will bundle insurance.