Since you have never applied for a credit card or a loan, you have no credit score. Applying for a mortgage will have a certain impact. The bank has too little information about you, so it can only understand your willingness and ability to repay through other channels. Mortgage repayments take a long time, and your loan interest rate may be a little better than someone who doesn't have a good credit score. However, the information taken by the bank is not only to check whether you have applied for a credit card, but also your bank statements and deposits, fixed or non-fixed assets, so it will have an impact but will not become a major obstacle.
: 1. What conditions and procedures are required for a home loan?
The information and procedures required for applying for a home purchase loan are as follows:
Buying a new house:
ID card, household register, marriage certificate, income certificate, bank statement, house purchase contract (if married, provide information of both husband and wife)
Conditions: As long as you have a stable income and bank statement, as long as the statement is available every month Okay, the monthly income on the income certificate needs to be twice the monthly payment. For example, if the monthly payment is 2,000 yuan, the monthly income needs to be about 4,000 yuan. Also, the credit report must not be overdue. Generally, banks require that it cannot be continuous within two years. Three times overdue and a total of six times are considered on a family basis.
Buying a second-hand house:
ID card, household register, marriage certificate, income certificate, bank statement, (if married, provide information of both spouses)
Conditions and The conditions for a new house are the same: as long as there is a stable income and bank statements, as long as the statements are made every month, the monthly income on the income certificate needs to be twice the monthly payment. For example, if the monthly payment is 2,000 yuan, the monthly income needs to be about 4,000 yuan. , and another thing is that the credit report cannot be overdue. Generally, the bank's requirement is that it cannot be overdue three times in a row and six times in total within two years. It is looked at on a family basis.
2. What qualifications are needed to buy a house with a loan?
General conditions: A person with full capacity of conduct who is over 18 years old; the upper limit of the loan age for men is 65 years old, and the upper limit of the loan age for women is 65 years old. 60 years old; and the sum of the loan period and my age shall not exceed the upper limit of the specified age, and a down payment of the specified proportion shall be paid; no bad credit record; the total loan period shall not exceed 30 years; and the monthly payment shall not exceed 50% of the total household income. Both the borrower and his wife must be present at the same time for processing.
Information required: (1) Original and photocopies of the identity card of the person or both parties, 7 copies for the principal lender and 5 copies for the third party. (If it is a second-generation ID card, the front and back sides of the ID card must be copied on one piece of paper at the same time);
(2) The original and copy of the household registration booklet of the person or the couple (including the first page of the household registration booklet) , household homepage, personal page, ***person page) 3 copies each;
(3) Marriage certificate: 1. Married: original and copy of marriage certificate (photo page, content page) are required 3 copies each; 2. Singles: need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau of the place of residence to issue an original single certificate and 2 copies (valid for 1 month) of marriage information; 3. Divorced people: need to provide the original and copy of the divorce certificate ( Photo page, content page) 3 copies each, or provide the court judgment or the original and 2 copies of the divorce agreement. At the same time, you need to provide 1 original and 2 copies of the non-remarriage certificate issued by the Civil Affairs Bureau of the place where the household registration is located (valid for 1 months); 4. Widowed persons: original and 2 copies of the spouse’s death certificate, and 1 original and 2 copies of the non-remarriage certificate issued by the Civil Affairs Bureau of the place of residence (valid for 1 month);