As more and more people apply for credit cards, credit cards will be deactivated due to irregular use of credit cards. So how do you activate a deactivated credit card?
The credit card is deactivated. How to activate deactivation
If the deactivation is due to an overdue credit card, after paying off the overdue amount, you can proactively call the credit card customer service to apply for activation; if it is deactivated due to fraud, generally After the fraudulent transactions are dealt with, the bank will reactivate it; if it is restricted due to cash-out issues, the bank will verify it. If there is no cash-out behavior, it will be activated. Once there is cash-out behavior, it cannot be reactivated.
After a credit card is deactivated, the cardholder must first call the credit card customer service number to inquire about the specific reasons for deactivation, and find ways to reactivate it based on the specific reasons. That’s all about how to activate a deactivated credit card. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.