2. The credit card is overdraft card. Of course, now you will get points when you spend with a credit card. If you get more points, you can exchange gifts. Moreover, your card will also have corresponding activities in the local area, and the special merchants who take the credit card to the bank will have certain discounts. As for what you said, when you are a shenzhen tong (bus) card, I didn't know it in Wenzhou.
3. Credit card is the amount that the bank gives you to temporarily use bank cash according to your relevant economic ability, such as financial resources, education, work status, etc., but these will be reflected in your credit.
A. The advantage of a credit card is that there are many activities, there are points for consumption, and there are discounts for consumption at the special merchants you hold. One more thing, if you have a good consumption record and frequent consumption, you will have your record in the People's Bank of China system, so you don't need other people's guarantee to buy a house or a car, and you can guarantee it independently.
B. Disadvantages Although there is an interest-free period ranging from 20 to 56 days, there will be a bad record after it is overdue, lasting 1-2 years.
Generally speaking, as long as you recognize credit cards and have high self-control, credit cards are a good way to spend.
Finally, friends with overdue or bad records should never cancel their cards, but they should use 1-2 years at least, but remember not to expire during this period, because if the overdue cards are used for about 2 years, the PBOC system will refresh your credit record, and once cancelled, this bad record will remain for 7 years, so don't cancel, and finally remember the last repayment date of each credit card.
You can ask me questions about credit cards.