If you owe 200,000 on multiple credit cards, you can pay it off in batches. For example, pay off credit cards with smaller arrears first, leave large arrears to negotiate with the bank, and apply for partial interest exemption to repay the large arrears. As long as the user shows good willingness to repay and indeed lacks the ability to repay, the bank will be willing to negotiate repayment. After all, if a user keeps owing money and fails to pay it back, the credit card debt will become a bad debt, and it is better to recover part of the debt than to turn it into a bad debt. The above is the relevant content on what to do if you owe 200,000 on multiple credit cards. What are the benefits of credit cards?
1. Convenience and speed: There is a VISA logo on the credit card, and you can directly swipe the card for consumption in foreign countries, but the debit card requires cash exchange. In addition, the credit card is in Travel bookings such as air tickets, hotels, online shopping and car rentals are relatively convenient and fast, but debit cards are more cumbersome and time-consuming;
2. Accumulate personal credit history: If the credit card is used frequently, use it on time Repaying the loan can improve the credit limit and credit. The People's Bank of China will record the user's credit history, which will be helpful when purchasing a house or car loan in the future.
This article mainly writes about the relevant knowledge points on what to do if you owe 200,000 yuan on multiple credit cards and still cannot pay it off. The content is for reference only.