You can take a notebook and write down where you spend money every day. After a month, count how much you spent this month, and then see if it exceeds your budget, and then count what you have to spend. Which ones can be spent or not spent, and which ones are impulse purchases. By doing this, first of all, you can know how much money you have spent. It is very uncomfortable to have confused accounts. Second, allow yourself to recognize yourself. The above is the first step, and then make a plan for next month based on your own budget, such as which impulse purchases can be eliminated and which unnecessary purchases can be saved. The same will be true after next month. When making a budget, it is a budget. Lower it appropriately. If you can do it, continue. If it exceeds the budget, don't lower it. If you stick to it for about a year, your habitual consumption will become less. I wish you good luck. Don’t take any money with you when you go out. Don’t leave money with WeChat and Alipay. If you don’t want to spend money, just borrow it. No credit card or debit card.
Make a budget every week, and then bring only the budgeted money (total of WeChat, Alipay, cash, etc.) every week, and don’t spend it if you don’t have money on weekends (there must be something to feed you at home).
Shop less, don’t shop online, and don’t stock up on goods.