The proportion of personal mortgage loans in many banks such as China Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank, and China Merchants Bank exceeds the standard, and structural adjustments are on the way
Retail business has always been considered the most important part of the banking industry It is a ballast stone for growth and a booster for efficiency improvement, but it is not that the higher the proportion, the better. At present, many listed banks are facing structural adjustment problems due to the high proportion of housing-related loans.
China Business News combed through the 2020 annual reports of listed banks and found that the proportion of real estate loans or personal loans of many banks such as China Construction Bank, Industrial Bank, Postal Savings Bank, and China Merchants Bank The proportion of housing loans exceeds the upper limit required by regulations.
"Personal housing loans account for a relatively high proportion in many banks. In order to comply with regulatory requirements, some banks need to adjust their structures. However, personal mortgage loan assets are relatively high-quality. If they turn to Corporate business or credit card business may have little impact on the future asset status of large banks, but for small and medium-sized banks, if they do not focus on market segments, asset quality will deteriorate after structural adjustments. possible." A banker told China Business News.
Construction Bank, Industrial Bank, China Merchants Bank, Postal Savings Bank, etc. exceeded the "red line"
On December 31 last year, the People's Bank of China Banks and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the "Notice on Establishing a Real Estate Loan Concentration Management System for Banking Financial Institutions" (hereinafter referred to as the "New Regulations"), which stated that banking financial institutions are divided into five levels, among which the first level is for large Chinese-funded enterprises. banks, including 6 large state-owned commercial banks; the second tier is Chinese-funded medium-sized banks, including 12 national joint-stock commercial banks, etc. The corresponding upper limits for real estate loans and personal housing loans are 40%, 32.5%; 27.5%, and 20% respectively.
According to disclosed annual reports, some major state-owned banks and joint-stock banks have exceeded the upper limit. According to data from China Construction Bank, at the end of last year, personal loans and advances totaled 7.23 trillion yuan, an increase of 756.517 billion yuan or 11.68% over the previous year. Among them, personal housing loans were 5.83 trillion yuan, an increase of 525.764 billion yuan or 9.91% over the previous year, accounting for 34.73%.
In addition, the Postal Savings Bank’s personal housing loan balance at the end of 2020 was 1.92 trillion yuan, an increase of 221.006 billion yuan from the end of the previous year, an increase of 13.00%, accounting for 34% , exceeding the upper limit of 32.5%.
Data from Industrial Bank's annual report show that at the end of 2020, the balance of corporate real estate loans was 351.675 billion yuan, and the balance of personal housing and commercial housing loans was 1.05 trillion yuan. Calculated, Industrial Bank’s personal housing loans accounted for 26.6% and real estate loans accounted for 35%, both exceeding the “red lines” of 20% and 27.5%.
According to data from China Merchants Bank, at the end of last year, the balance of personal housing loans was 1.27 trillion yuan, accounting for 25.35%, and also exceeded the upper limit of 20%.
In the first half of this year, China Business News reporters visited some banks and found that when applying for personal housing mortgage loans , some branches and branches of large state-owned banks do not require detailed bank statements and guarantees from relatives, and funds transferred from relatives and friends will also be recognized by banks. In the past, banks had stricter mortgage application requirements. The monthly income must be more than 2.2 times the monthly mortgage loan, and only salary card income was recognized.
Some analysts believe that since last year, retail loan business and corporate business have been significantly affected by the epidemic, and the non-performing loan ratios of many retail types are rising, but the non-performing ratio of personal housing loans The rate is low and it is a high-quality asset, so banks have increased their mortgage loans.
Data from China Merchants Bank shows that at the end of 2020, its overall non-performing loan rate was 0.82%, its small and micro loan non-performing rate was 0.63%, and its credit card loan non-performing rate was 1.66%. The non-performing rate of consumer loans is 1.47%, while the non-performing rate of personal housing loans is only 0.3%.
As of the end of last year, the non-performing rate of personal housing loans of China Construction Bank was only 0.19%, while the non-performing rate of credit card loans was 1.4%, and the non-performing rate of personal consumption loans and personal business loans were respectively are 0.98% and 0.99%. In addition, the balance of China Construction Bank's corporate loans and advances at the end of 2020 was 8.36 trillion yuan, the balance of non-performing loans was 213.885 billion yuan, and the non-performing rate reached 2.56%.
A personal loan person from a major state-owned bank in North China told China Business News that the number of personal housing loans in his region in the first half of this year will decrease compared with last year. , but the magnitude will not be too large. Currently, regulators and the head office are more concerned about preventing illegal business loans from flowing into the real estate sector.
Adjusting the structure of retail business
In recent years, with the rapid growth of bank retail business, real estate loans have gradually formed The characteristics of relatively high stock ratio. Due to the new regulations, some banks are beginning to face the problem of restructuring.
"The new regulations will limit the concentration of bank real estate loans. Regulators believe that obvious signs of overheating in the property market may weaken the stability of the banking system." Moody's Senior Vice President Xiang Zhenweizeng express.
“Regulatory authorities pay great attention to the risks of real estate and have successively introduced various relevant systems, including the 'three red lines', as well as the real estate loan concentration management system introduced at the end of last year. , will have a significant impact on China's real estate industry, market, including financial services. For China Construction Bank, the transition period will be relatively sufficient, the impact of the new regulations on the growth of loan scale will be relatively small, and the excess stock will be gradually absorbed." March 29. On the same day, Lu Jiajin, Vice President of China Construction Bank, said at the 2020 results conference.
Lu Jiajin said that China Construction Bank will continue to implement strict list-based management of real estate development loans, focus on providing support to high-quality customers in first- and second-tier cities, and carry out project compliance reviews , strictly control the loan investment direction and project use. For personal housing loans, priority will be given to supporting groups in critical need to meet the people's reasonable general housing needs and housing improvement needs. On the premise of complying with regulatory requirements, various measures will be taken to steadily promote the stable development of corporate real estate business, maintain reasonable and moderate growth of personal housing mortgage loans, and orderly reduce the proportion of real estate loans in various loans. Zhu Jiangtao, chief risk officer of China Merchants Bank, said that the strategy will be adjusted in two directions: on the one hand, in terms of the allocation of large asset portfolios, it will appropriately increase the allocation of non-credit assets such as investment assets and operating assets to improve The proportion of non-credit assets; on the other hand, continue to optimize the internal structure of credit assets, and promote inclusive small and micro businesses, high-quality manufacturing, as well as consumer finance, new momentum and new economy, supply chain finance and other businesses under the premise of controllable risks development, continuously optimize the credit structure, and increase support for the real economy.
"As banks adjust their structures, they may face the problem of rising non-performing loans in the short term. Banks will shift their loan structures from personal housing mortgages to other businesses. , may affect capital efficiency to a certain extent. However, due to the smaller scale and slower pace of related loan business adjustments, the possible impact on the capital strength, asset risks and profitability of the affected banks will also be small," Moody's said. .
Other analysts said that the spatial differences between different banks in the upper limit of real estate loan proportion will lead to adjustments in the credit structure between banks. Banks whose proportion of real estate loan balances exceeds the limit will choose to focus on businesses related to other real economy fields such as manufacturing, explore other high-quality credit areas, and appropriately adjust the proportion of corporate business and retail business.
Banks with sufficient room for their mortgage loan ratio to reach the upper limit can also seize the opportunity to develop real estate loan business and promote the optimization and balance of credit structure.