In order to get a card, your personal data may be stolen. You should check with the bank first, and if so, stop the card and freeze the account. If ignored, it will be blacklisted by banks and affect personal reputation.
Then in the future, when you handle bank loans and other businesses, all banks can refuse to accept them or even not approve them, and the amount will be very limited, which will seriously hinder your future development.
Then call the police to deal with it. Ask the police to find out who stole the card. At the same time, find out who spent the money where. You can look at signatures, videos and other evidence to prove that you didn't spend it anywhere. Try to collect evidence for yourself. By the way, so many cards are stolen every day, and banks usually deal with them negatively. If you can't find them and refuse to pay back the money first, you will be blacklisted directly, and you will suffer in the future.
Consequences of overdue
First, outsourcing collection
When the borrower does not cooperate and has a bad attitude, it will generally be handed over to a special collection agency, and the debt will be completely "justified" at home. It's almost impossible to escape face to face with them if you call the police.
(1) The police can't get involved in pure economic disputes.
Under normal circumstances, the evidence of creditor's rights and debts is complete, and the collection personnel have no behavior within the scope of police law enforcement, such as breaking into your home. When you call the police and the police come, economic disputes will generally be handled by both parties through consultation, and the collectors will not be expelled or detained.
(2) The collection method is basically within the legal scope.
Although in the eyes of people who don't know them, they are "underworld" and "rough people", in fact, after in-depth contact, their thorough understanding of relevant laws is comparable to that of professional legal persons. After years of social wandering, they have extremely keen insight into people and know how to break through the socio-psychological weakness of borrowers within the limits of law and promote them to repay debts in many ways.
The court brought a lawsuit, filed a complaint and accepted it. The acceptance fee is below 50 yuan 10000 yuan. This is what I need to pay at the end of the procedure, so don't think the amount is small, so I won't sue. )
After the court accepts the case, it will give you a summons. Will mediate for the first time. (Of course, it is impossible for the parties to come to court. ) and then mediation failed.
More seriously:
1, you will leave a court enforcement record on the central bank's credit record.
So, dear customers, you are also young people. It is almost impossible to get credit cards and loans from banks, financial institutions or small loan companies in the future.
2. You will become a credit blacklist.
In the future, if you take the high-speed train and the ash machine, your children will be affected by your malicious overdue. Then you lose not only things related to money, but also your family, your love, your friendship and even your most basic feelings.
Conclusion: Don't think that I am alarmist. You can check the records in the credit report yourself.